BBBuilder's CEO

CEO Message

Black Brick Builders & Developers is a team of high experience and professional team of engineers and management team with an overall of 20 years of professional services in

  • Construction Management
  • Commercial Arbitration
  • Development  of infrastructure

Joblessness is one of the biggest issues in Pakistan due to which millions of Pakistanis are not able to get their basic needs, therefore, job creation and fair distribution of jobs are some of the most important needs of Pakistan today.

Construction industry is the considered as mother of jobs creation to a vast variety of skilled and unskilled workers who are in huge majority in Pakistan. Keeping this fact in mind the Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced a revolutionary amnesty scheme for the construction sector of Pakistan by not only giving it the status of construction industry but also linked it with the tax amnesty scheme for the first time in history of Pakistan which is considered as a game changer.

We Black Brick Builders and Developers strongly support and appreciate Mr. Prime Minister’s decision to boost construction industry and maximise the jobs opportunities in labour market of Pakistan. We strongly believe that private sector shall work parallel with the state departments to effectively control the joblessness in Pakistan and everyone should put their contribution to improve the life standard of people of Pakistan. Therefore, BBBuilders is active under the vision and mission of “job creation is better than job hunting”

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